Hoe kan u die skermwisselaar van die filmblaasmasjien verander?

'N Dubbelkolom-skermwisselaar vir filmblaasmasjiene gebruik 'n dubbelkolomskermwisselaar. Hierdie skerm het 'n dubbelvloeikanaalontwerp en albei filters kan gelyktydig werk. Een skerm kan gebruik word om die filterskerm te vervang en die ander skerm sal werk. Die materiaalvloei is ononderbroke en die proses stop nie. Dit het die buitengewone voordele van hoë drukweerstand, hoë temperatuurweerstand en geen drukskommelings tydens die skermveranderingsproses nie.

Normal operation will see both columns A and B of the double-column film blaas masjien screen changers in the main body of screen changers to filter the melt. 1. Push the A-pillar out of the double-column-screen changer when the pressure alarm sounds. Remove the protective cover from the double-columnscreen changer and replace the filter at the A-pillar. Once the filter has been replaced, place the A column in the filling position. The A column will fill in the position and continue melting. The double-column screen changer's A column should be pulled back to its normal working position. Pull the double-column changer out of its place. Replace the filter screen on B-pillar. Once the filter screen has been replaced, move the B-pillar towards the filling and exhausting. Wait until the B-pillar fills. This is when there is continuous melt discharge. Pull the B-pillar back to its normal working position, and then close the guard.